Through My Lens

Whether I’m holding a camera or a pen, a computer mouse or a pair of scissors, making visual poetry is what I do best. I love creating connections and sharing ideas in emotionally evocative, innovative, and authentic ways. Discovering beauty, meaning, and magic in everyday moments, I invite people to engage with the world differently.

In my photography work, I specialize in narrative, conceptual, and abstract still lifes. I enjoy capturing candid portraits and dynamic elements as well. Always open to new challenges, I embrace an experimental approach guided by curiosity and wonder. I’m drawn to intimate details and give attention to people, places, and things that are often overlooked. I also explore relationships between natural and human-made elements and what these reveal about society.

Contributing to the cultural shift toward inclusivity as a neurodivergent Black woman of mixed heritage, I work with organizations that celebrate diversity and actively invest in true representation—not only in commercial, editorial, and fine art imagery, but also in hiring, supporting, and promoting creative professionals. A growth-minded transplant from Massachusetts, rooted in New York City for more than a decade, now I’m blooming in the foothills of Los Angeles. When I’m not creating in my home studio, I’m studying the design of brake lights en route to my next photoworthy adventure.

Photographs and footage in Gallery were shot by Emily Ruth Hazel in New York City, Newark, San Francisco, and Los Angeles County.